Monday, 26 November 2007

It's all getting a bit too much ...

I handed in my dissertation proposal this morning so im so glad that is complete (for now...) I also have a seminar paper to work on and an essay; which are due in 2 weeks time. So im just a little fed up, and unfortunately, when life seems a bit tough at the moment, there was unexpected death of a close uncle in the family last week.. Being a close family, it seems to be having an affect on everyone, myself included and i guess its a little tough to deal with everything at the moment. You know when you want that BIG black hole in the ground to open up... yep ... Im looking for that at the moment... But ... as they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going..?! Just have to keep going I guess.

So 'the group' is collating the work and its being put on the wiki at the moment. Mette is dealing with this, and i think shes having a few technical difficulties as the computer doesnt seem to want to work with her on this... Technology!! Its proving to be a little bit of a pain! Jana too is aiding her with this teadious process, whilst myself and Leda have been looking for images and videos that support the wiki and illustrate our work.

I feel that theres unecessary stress and tension within the group at the moment, and this is the only place I can voice that. As expected, people are working themselves up and stressing themselves, and of course the steam does need to be let out after a while... but I feel like everyone needs to BREATHE . . .

Everyones in the same boat, and by shouting, stressing and being short fused in life, your not going to resolve a situation. Its not personal, just a thought.

1 comment:

Nogbad said...

Khristina - I'm sorry to hear about your uncle and it's understandable that things are stressy right now.