Monday, 26 November 2007

It's all getting a bit too much ...

I handed in my dissertation proposal this morning so im so glad that is complete (for now...) I also have a seminar paper to work on and an essay; which are due in 2 weeks time. So im just a little fed up, and unfortunately, when life seems a bit tough at the moment, there was unexpected death of a close uncle in the family last week.. Being a close family, it seems to be having an affect on everyone, myself included and i guess its a little tough to deal with everything at the moment. You know when you want that BIG black hole in the ground to open up... yep ... Im looking for that at the moment... But ... as they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going..?! Just have to keep going I guess.

So 'the group' is collating the work and its being put on the wiki at the moment. Mette is dealing with this, and i think shes having a few technical difficulties as the computer doesnt seem to want to work with her on this... Technology!! Its proving to be a little bit of a pain! Jana too is aiding her with this teadious process, whilst myself and Leda have been looking for images and videos that support the wiki and illustrate our work.

I feel that theres unecessary stress and tension within the group at the moment, and this is the only place I can voice that. As expected, people are working themselves up and stressing themselves, and of course the steam does need to be let out after a while... but I feel like everyone needs to BREATHE . . .

Everyones in the same boat, and by shouting, stressing and being short fused in life, your not going to resolve a situation. Its not personal, just a thought.

Monday, 19 November 2007

Group Meeting ...

Leda, Jana and Mette and I were supposed to be meeting on Wednesday (14th Nov) to see where we were so far, what we need to work on, what needs changing, working on etc...

Leda is moving house at the moment, so stressing a little with uni work and keeping up with the moving plan ... I know the feeling, I moved family house 6 months ago... such a nightmare! So much stress and pressure. But with a little patience and management of time she should be ok... so Anyway ... Leda had pre warned that she wouldnt be able to come in.

Unfortunately, Mette felt ill on Wednesday morning and called Jana to let her know she too wouldnt be able to make it.

Jana and I spent the best part of the morning till the early afternoon working on different parts of the project. Jana spent alot of time reading through what everyone had done so far, it was really helpful because it meant that we as a group could figure out where we needed to concentrate more and what we needed to focus on... So... overall... time well spent by Jana and I !

We are meeting in our lesson today, I think as a group we want to focus the work and find a structure and organise...

Problems to focus on:
  • Referencing - Has been an issue we REALLY need to work on
  • Organising the text - We need to collaborate and it needs to be in an order that makes sense and follows through
  • Find a structure - The way it is visually presented in our wiki so that it makes sense

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Good and Bad Web Design

I decided to think about what i consider good and what i think is bad about a design, this became more evident when i scanned through some websites. I dont believe what the website is about makes much difference to the design, a good design is a good design.

Good Design:

  • Bright, bold, clear features
  • Its informative and the purpose is clear

  • Lots of animation and images which break the text

  • Hyperlinks to hotmail, messenger etc; which are useful and its effective
  • Isnt too much text; reader doesnt become uninterested

  • Links to important news/sports/entertainment features

  • Simple to navigate around the website

Bad Design:

  • Very POOR navigation

  • Lack of written information

  • No clear images (and its a fashion website ! )

  • No hyperlinks to gain access to other parts of the site

  • Lacks design and creativity

  • Very confusing, not interesting.

  • Nothing of much use on the website

I found that even though both websites were designed for different target groups, the general layout and design template of a webiste is simple. Following clear and simple ideas will create an effective, useful and informative website.

Week 5 - Reflection

As a group we have decided to meet during the week to collate our ideas and findings so far, so we can then find what areas we perhaps need to work on more. We know and understand what we are doing now, and I feel as a group we are coming together. Its difficult at the moment to say what our focus is, although we could explain it!

Also need to start thinkin about what our written outline is going to be, this will be clear once we have put together our findings...

Motivation thought for this week:
" You're whatever you think you are. Dare to be whomever you want and the future will bring you that. It is now when you decide the future."

Bogdan Bucur --- Illinois